Feb 2, 2010

French Bread, yummy yummy!

Started working on covering the pillows for our couch today.....but no pictures yet, you will just have to wait till they are all done! I also started on my little brothers birthday present but I am not going to give it away till it is done!

We ran out of cookies yesterday, so I made some more! I made the Applesauce Cookies from the 1961 cookbook (pg 186), sans nuts. I took some pictures, but I accidentally deleted them. *tear* The cookies are nothing fancy by they came out very chewy especially for a cake-like cookie. I would recommend them if you plan on eating a few at a time since they aren't so sweet that they over power you.

My Aunt sent home some sweet sausage with us the last time we were in Sarasota. I really wanted them for dinner tonight but we didn't have any buns, but we do have 20lbs of flour! Home bread time! I decided on the French Bread recipe from the 1956 cookbook (pg 110). Super dough hook in action:
I made the entire batch so I did one loaf (not really french bread style, I know) and 4 "buns":
The done loaf (for tomorrow and the rest of the week):
And the 4 "buns". I am still learning how to do free form yeast dough. I obviously did not make even sizes. Or I should have made 6. So the two on the right were used as "buns" for the sausages, I gave one to the girls next door, and then we split the last one and ate as is. Yum:
 I basted them with butter before they went in and then half way through baking they were basted with a egg wash.  Some of the best bread I have made so far (but that's not saying much). I want to make a bread with flax in it since we found some ground flax seed for baking. Maybe this weekend.
I don't know what tomorrow will hold (yet!) so until I figure it out please enjoy this picture of my babies that I had to leave in Ohio: Legolas (the bearded dragon) and Spike (the uromastyx):

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