Dec 31, 2009

Last day of 2009

Another exciting day in cooking.....a good way to end the year. Of course all the stuff from our trip is still all over the house in either it's unpacked or half unpacked state. I have just been too busy cooking :)

The neighbors are having a new years eve party tonight so as my contribution I made some Ginger Cream Cookies (pg 190 for the cookies and pg 202 for the icing from the Betty Crocker Cookbook).

Molasses and shortening was no challenge for the mixer!

Now the icing on the other was such a small quantity that the mixer couldn't quite get to it all so I needed to hand whisk it after. And here is the finished results with icing:

Don't worry, I made a lot more than what is here. The batter made about 4 dozen. These aren't like ginger snaps. They puffed up in the center like biscuits almost and are very chewy. Hopefully they will like them at the party tonight!

Yesterday I mentioned I wanted to do something with the breaded fish. To spice up the plain green beans and breaded fish I decided to make my first white sauce! (pg 387)

At the top of the page it says "A good cook masters this basic sauce". Boy did I master it. I made the Mushroom variation since we bought fresh mushrooms during our shopping adventure on Tuesday. Oh, just FYI, if you click on the pictures I took of the books they enlagre enough that you can read the text fairly well, just in case you wanted the recipe! I wonder if I might get in trouble for posting these photos? It is my copy of the book anyway and it's very hard to find so I wanted to share its wonderment with people. Anyway, the suace came out great and really jazzed up the fish (which was quite salty) and the green beans:

Exciting, right? There is nothing planned for tomorrow yet. I figured left overs would do or maybe some pasta and homemade sauce (since we are still waiting on our tomoatoes, we bought some canned diced ones).

Have a happy new year everyone! And since we are back in Florida, it is approprpate to share this photo with you:

This is actually not a Florida gator and this photo was taken about 2.5 years ago in Ohio (my friend used to have this beautiful animal as a pet).

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