As you might have guessed, I have quite a few photos clogging up my computer. Let me begin with the final addition to the photo dump. These photos are from April of 2011 (so when the garden was just starting up), but since then we have expanded the garden quite a bit and had a few more harvests:
Some flowers that I won at a Tampa plant show:
The roses Mike gave me for St.Valentine's Day in February 2011:
My cute lizard planter:
Baby blueberries!
Sprouting cantaloupe seeds:
Baby pepper (green, banana, and jalapeno):
Baby orange:
Now for something new. As I mentioned, Mike and I are both now vegan. When I have more time I will explain. We are also keen on avoiding processed foods. Really the only processed foods we eat now are almond and soy milk, and tortillas and tortilla chips. Everything else we make: cereal, bread, ice cream, etc. That being said, here is tonight's dinner:
Corn tortillas, organic avocados, local organic tomatoes, local organic onions, and jalapenos and green pepper from our garden. To my surprise, 3 of them were very, very filling. This is a very simple vegan meal. Just saute the onions, green peppers, and jalapenos in a little olive oil. Use the same pan to toast your tortillas, and assemble. If you feel you need more, just add a side of rice or bean (or even put the rice or beans in the tacos).
Until next time, enjoy this photo of my Pineapple that I took with my new iphone: